We are the lost who lived and loved
We felt the dawn saw sunset glow
For now we lie in row on row
In Flanders fields
O lux beata lumina
The larks fly high where guns destroyed
Now poppies grow and crosses show
Where now we lie in Flanders fields
In row on row
Time like an ever-rolling stream
Bears all its sons away
They fly forgotten as a dream
Dies at the break of day
We shall not sleep who lived and loved
Who felt the dawn saw sunset glow
If you break faith with us who lied
In Flanders fields
O lux beata lumina
From failing hands we throw the torch
Our light be yours to hold it high
For now we lie in Flanders fields
In row on row
Time like an ever-rolling stream
Bears all its sons away
They fly forgotten as a dream
Dies at the break of day
O lux beata lumina
Our light be yours
★ 失恋太少
★ 失恋太少
★ 错误的恋曲
★ 错误的爱
★ 谢幕曲
★ 让我们一起微笑吧
★ 错误的爱
★ 失恋太少
★ 魁拔军歌
★ 逝去的爱