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歌手:susan boyle风格:歌词

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing - Susan Boyle

hark! the herald angels sing

"glory to the newborn king!"

peace on earth, and mercy mild

god and sinners reconciled

joyful all ye nations rise

join the triumph of the skies

with th'angelic host proclaim

"christ is born in bethlehem."

hark! the herald angels sing

"glory to the newborn king!"

christ, by highest heav'n adored

christ the everlasting lord

late in time behold him come

offspring of the favored one

veiled in flesh, the godhead see

hail th'incarnate deity

pleased, as man with men to dwell

jesus, our immanuel!

hark! the herald angels sing

"glory to the newborn king!"

hail! the heav'n born prince of peace!

hail! the son of righteousness!

light and life to all he brings

ris'n with healing in his wings

(mild he lays his glory by)

born that man no more may die

born to raise the sons of earth

born to give them second birth

hark! the herald angels sing

"glory to the newborn king!"

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