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谈钞票伤感情 谈感情又伤钞票又伤感情 - 顶楼的马戏团

我一见钟情 侬心有灵犀 I love you, you love me

阿拉两家头还要谈钞票搿多伤感情 why should we talk about money

侬敲脱我电脑 我掼脱侬手机 I throw your cellphone, you smash my pc

谈感情又伤钞票又伤感情 a relationship ruins itself and money

感情真是一样怪胎个东西 love is really a weird thing

大便竟然会有人当成是黄金 others see shit, but gold you see

伊作天作地 伊要活要死 she keeps making trouble out of nothing

侬捧勒手心还怕碰痛了伊 but you treasure her as careful as it could be

我嘴巴越甜 侬骨头越轻 the more I spoil you, the worse your temper has been

阿拉两家头还要谈钞票搿多伤感情 it would hurt if we talk about money

侬骂我是戆卵 我叫侬只傻逼 you call me asshole, I call you bitch

谈感情又伤钞票又伤感情 a relationship ruins itself and money

感情真是一样恐怖个东西 love is such a horrible thing

贼头狗脑狠起来杀人于无形 it haunts around, killing people without warning

伊死样怪气 伊呒天野地 it comes and goes as it pleased

侬防勿牢伊 也覅想挡得牢伊 you can not prevent nor resist

我海枯石烂 侬永勿变心 I took my oath, you made your promise

阿拉两家头还要谈钞票搿多伤感情 why should we talk about money

侬再发神经病 我就同归于尽 if you go unreasonable again, I will take my revenge

谈感情又伤钞票又伤感情 a relationship ruins itself and money

谈感情又伤钞票又伤感情 a relationship ruins itself and money

谈感情又伤钞票又伤感情 a relationship ruins itself and money

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