我是一粒BT个种子 - 顶楼的马戏团
最欢喜女优拨搞到眼泪汪汪 I like when the AV girls are fucked to tears
每趟侪要暂停一歇打打手枪 every time I have to pause a while and masturbate
侬覅再问我讨啥个松岛枫 don’t ask me for Kaede Matsushima’s porno
卖相好勒床浪向又派勿上用场 she’s pretty but boring on the bed
素人萝莉还是痴女系 amateur, loli or the nymphomaniac
我用100多块硬盘来收藏 I’ve got 100 hard disks to collect these AV
按照公司帮类型区分妥当 classify them by label and genre
再从电影编号开头字母归档 then file by the initial of the serial number of each movie
侬覅看我只有廿二岁 though I’m only twenty-two
共建共创和谐社会精神要发扬 I would carry on the spirit of socialization
我是一粒BT个种子 I am a BT seed
迅雷白金账号全公开就请大家随便去down I share my Thunder vip acount so that everyone can download free
侬吵了闹了要当红个日本小姑娘 if you cried for hot Japanese AV girls
只要开好QQ等我离线来分享 you should just open your qq and wait for me
SM吃污迭种所谓个重口味 even if you like SM or shit eater
我也总有办法好帮得上一眼眼忙 I will do my best to make you pleased
要故事情节顶好配中文字幕 if you want to know the plot, I can get you a Chinese subtitle
冢本系列应该符合侬个思想 the series shot by director Tsukamoto will meet your need
欧美无码搿方面我承认是外行 I admit I don’t know much about the western AV
侬真心要我再去问问我埃帮同行 if you do want, I can ask other hobbyist
侬覅骂我是只下作胚 don’t call me obscene
搿门学问又有几个人能够盘得清爽 few people know this field with clarity
我是一粒BT个种子 I am a BT seed
勿是侬想象中个啥个色狼帮流氓 not the color wolf as you imagine
我是一粒BT个种子~I am a BT seed
★ 给我一个理由忘记
★ 一个人住
★ 我值得
★ 给我一个理由忘记
★ 给我一个理由忘记(2013 Feel-Lin Live Ver.)
★ 给我一个理由忘记
★ 给我一个理由忘记