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歌手:david essex风格:歌词

A Winter's Tale-David Essex

The nights are colder now

Maybe I should close the door

And anyway the snow has

covered all your footsteps

And I can follow you no more

The fire still burns at night

My memories are warm and clear

But everybody knows

It's hard to be alone at this time of year

It was only a winter's tale

Just another winter's tale

And why should the world take notice

Of one more love that's failed

A love that could never be

Though it meant a lot to you and me

On a world wide scale

we're just another winter's tale

While I stand alone

A bell is ringing far away

I wonder if you hear

I wonder if you're listening

I wonder where you are today

Good luck I wish you well

For all that wishes may be worth

I hope that love and strength

Are with you for the length

of your time on Earth

It was only a winter's tale

Just another winter's tale

And why should the world take notice

Of one more love that's failed

It's a love that could never be

Though it meant a lot to you and me

On a world wide scale

we're just another winter's tale

It was only a winter's tale

Just another winter's tale

And why should the world take notice

Of one more love that's failed

It's a love that could never be

Though it meant a lot to you and me

On a world wide scale

we're just another winter's tale

【A Winter‘s Tale】相关文章:


The Scientist

Kiss Me

Don‘t Tell Me

Don‘t Tell Me

Here‘s To Never Growing Up

Bitchin‘ Summer

I‘m With you

I Don‘t Give

I Don‘t Give


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