Unclaimed, Unloved - Fit For A King
Tell me how can one live when all they hear is useless worthless give up
Defeat coursing through a shattered heart
Will he ever find love again
And then I... [查看歌词]
We Are all Lost - Fit For A King
I reached out my hand but you let me fall to the deepest depths
Where I could never be found where I could never be heard
I built my foundation with the fragil... [查看歌词]
More Than Nameless - Fit For A King
I will survive
I had it all figured out
A career a future I had no doubts
I was never a stranger to substance
I never thought it would end up like this
... [查看歌词]
Shadows & Echoes - Fit For A King
What brought us here
Living life inside the lines
Vision impaired
We can be so short sighted
I would rather watch us fall
Than be so passive
I would r... [查看歌词]
Disease- Fit For A King
Step back look forward
There's nothing for us here
Our lives have been wasted
Cowering in fear
Violence hate pride
Hunger greed spite
We thought we were invinci... [查看歌词]
Cold Room - Fit For A King
These children will never see their homes
Abandoned and left for dead
No chance to live they were condemned
Unable to fight
I watched in this room as they took m... [查看歌词]
Pissed Off - Fit For A King
Everyday is another war
We live and die in a hopeless world
Laying waste to the innocent
With no regret I'm sick of it
We create we destroy
The descendants bl... [查看歌词]
Deathgrip - Fit For A King
Foundation cracks
Foundation cracks
The wounds are bleeding
The wounds are bleeding
The end is calling is calling
The end is calling
The end
The end is her... [查看歌词]