Princess - Fletcher
We've all been told when we were little
We could grow up and live a fairy tale
But no one ever bothered telling us that
The story book ending never started out well
Why... [查看歌词]
Avalanche - Fletcher
You always find the exit sign in a crowded room
即使在熙熙攘攘的房间 你也能找到安全出口
Everybody wants their shot, but you're bulletproof
每个人都想将你击垮 可你却坚毅难摧
Don't like the feeling when y... [查看歌词]
Wasted Youth - Fletcher
We got a lot of time to get it right
It feels good to mess it up, maybe don't think about it
Going late night who needs a fantasy
Buzzing on Hennessy
Class like a K... [查看歌词]
Live Young Die Free - Fletcher
I don't want the same things
I used to want anymore
I know how to say what I could never say
And what it means to have i... [查看歌词]
Over My Head - Fletcher
It's over my head
I hate myself for caring this much
I've become an addict looking for a hit of your love
I'm a long way from sober
我... [查看歌词]