Grounded By My Feet-Armenia
I'd never seen so many colours on one sweater.
In a market for used things, a red guitar without the strings,
a women dress made in Beijing,
nobody here the bette... [查看歌词]
Broken Chords-Armenia
Crafty eyes,
Artful smiles,
Iron bound ties.
Yesterday is years long gone,
if chosen to play.
Voices of forgotten Lords
echo in the night over broken chords.
Sa... [查看歌词]
Is that a face on my mind, or a shadow's vague outline?
Undefined yet preassigned by a just as foreign mastermind...
You are vapour,
fleeting foggy mist.
I can't see you,
... [查看歌词]
Present your soul to The Maker
Blessed be all, in the name of The Lord.
Come in peace, speak thy name, given after a saint,
who died, lived, and suffered.
The pageantry of ... [查看歌词]
My Own Self-Armenia
I told you all that my heart had enough
I told you all
You knew how far the limits were met,
still you enthralled!
Turn around face the heat of the fire,
torturous fl... [查看歌词]